Installing Subclipse on Mac OS X

I’m very happy to see that Subclipse has come along. Installing it on Ubuntu was a breeze: just get the plugin through Eclipse, and install the svn-javahl package to get the native part. On the Mac, it’s a little more complicated. Even if you specify --with-javahl to ./configure, the Java bindings don’t automatically get built or installed. You have to specifically invoke make javahl and make install-javahl. Then, put symbolic links for /path/to/subversion/lib/libsvnjavahl-1.jnilib and /path/to/subversion/lib/svn-javahl.jar in /Library/Java/Extensions. Now, when you install the Subclipse plugin through Eclipse, it will find its native counterpart in place.

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1 thought on “Installing Subclipse on Mac OS X

  1. Hmm, on my Mac I just installed Subclipse through it’s update site and it all worked perfectly. No command line mucking around or compiling involved. Not sure if it’s using javahl or not but I don’t really care – it works wonderfully.

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